Statement on African Global Dialogue Conference

Statement on African Global Dialogue Conference

The South African Jewish Board of Deputies (SAJBD) is aware that a conference, titled “Narrative Conditions Towards Peace in the Middle East,” hosted by the African Global Dialogue, has been subjected to intimidation by the Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions (BDS) Coalition and their allies. While the SAJBD disagrees vehemently with the sentiments of many of the speakers, some of whose views we find repugnant, we recognise the importance of a forum where different opinions on an important topic can be heard. This is in contrasts to the BDS’ intolerance to even the slightest deviation from their extremist views.

The BDS threats and intimidation directed at participants of this dialogue are consistent with the bullying tactics that characterize the organisation. Indeed, Roshan Dadoo of the BDS has clearly indicated her distaste for free speech by calling for a boycott, stating that “… we think the African Dialogue’s conference should not be allowed to go-ahead in South Africa…”. The BDS, so threatened by the open exchange of ideas, is attempting to stamp out any alternate or dissenting voices and to censor academic dialogue and free speech. They demand a monopoly on the narrative regarding the Middle East.

We are also outraged that Constitutional Hill succumbed to the naked aggression of the anti-Israel movement and cancelled their hosting of the conference. The irony of this is that the Constitution Court, housed at Constitutional Hill, is the very body built to protect the freedoms that have been so callously damaged by the bullying campaign of the BDS and the capitulation by Constitutional Hill.

While the BDS were able to successfully intimidate Constitutional Hill, they were unable to prevent the conference from going ahead. We stand up for the principles of dialogue and constructive conversations with the ultimate objective of finding peaceful resolution to this painful conflict.

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