​The SAJBD was saddened to learn of the passing of Nic Wolpe

The SAJBD was saddened to learn of the passing of our good friend Nic Wolpe, with whom we had many fruitful collaborations over the years. Following his return to South Africa after the unbanning of the ANC in 1990, Nic devoted himself to preserving and building upon the legacy of the anti-apartheid struggle, in whose ranks both of his parents, Harold and Ann-Marie, served with distinction. To this end, he founded and was the director of the Liliesleaf Trust, through which the former Liliesleaf Farm in Rivonia, legendary underground headquarters of the ANC’s armed wing Umkhonto we Sizwe during the early 1960s, became one of the country’s foremost centres of memory, heritage, research, and education. Among other plaudits earned, Nic was the recipient of a Knighthood of the First Class of the Royal Order of the Polar Star from the King of Sweden for his contributions in the fields of human rights education and historical conservation, not only in South Africa but also abroad.

With Nic’s support and ready cooperation, the SAJBD was privileged to co-host a number of memorable events at Liliesleaf. Among others, these included a Freedom Seder and a panel

debate with Jewish anti-apartheid veterans exploring and commemorating aspects of Jewish participation in the liberation movement. We are grateful to him for enabling our community to be part of the legacy he established, for which the people of South Africa owe him an enduring debt of gratitude.

Our thoughts and condolences go to his family and friends.

Recent Articles

International Holocaust Remembrance Day - Together we stand. Together We Remember.

As Holocaust Survivor Elie Wiesel said “For the dead and the living, we must bear witness”.

Today, on International Holocaust Remembrance Day and the 80th Anniversary of the Liberation of Auschwitz, we honor the memory of the six million Jewish lives brutally murdered by the Nazis and the resilience of the survivors who ensure the Holocaust is never forgotten.

Today, the SAJBD’s national Chairperson Prof Karen Milner and Vice President Mary Kluk stood with Holocaust survivor Ruth Cohen at the entrance to Auschwitz Birkeneau as she returned to the concentration camp 80 years later.

Together we stand. Together We Remember.

Funeral of Olga Meshoe Washington

The funeral of Olga Meshoe Washington took place in Haifa on January 22 at 13:00 South Africa time.

While the funeral will took place in Israel, the Meshoe family arranged a memorial service for Olga which took place on Sunday, 26 January. All of the Jewish community were invited to attend with transport both to and from the memorial service.

Olga continued to show up for the South African Jewish community, now was our time to show up for her and give comfort to the family.

Please see Read More to view the YouTube recording.

SAJBD stands in solidarity with our brothers and sisters in Israel

We stand in solidarity with our brothers and sisters in Israel and around the world, sharing in the relief and gratitude for the safe return of Emily, Romy and Doron to their families in Israel. We pray for their physical and emotional healing as they and their loved ones embark on the journey of recovery.

We continue to call for the safe and immediate release of all remaining hostages.